Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Favorite Arthur

                 Not to get all emotional, but I am a little sad to say goodbye to this class. In the last few moths, I have learned more than I thought there was to learn about King Arthur, and will for sure keep all the books (Okay, fine, it's probable that Avalon High will go to my little sister, but it still counts).

Today in class we touched on the many different Arthurs we have met on our journey through all the literature we have read, and I got to thinking about all of them. Ever since I was young, I have always wondered about the origins of legends. Some examples are (yes, I did actually wonder about these things. I have old diaries as proof): How the ancient Greek and Roman gods came to be, the beginnings of magic, and why we didn't have magic and such things anymore(bear with me, I was eight). Imagine my happiness as I read the first Harry Potter book. The first book in the series will always hold a special place in my heart because it is the book that started it all, and it is the book that explained and showed how everything in the wizarding world worked. 

Anyway, I compared all the different Arthurs we've met, and have come to decision. My favorite Arthur is the younger version in the Disney film that goes by Wart. I think I like him because he is the beginning of it all and the movie shows how the legend comes to be, and of course, being a 90's child, I will forever love anything Disney. 

I believe that Julia has already asked this in her blog, but I am curious as well, so I will also ask: Who is your favorite Arthur?



  1. I believe my favorite Arthur is also the sword in the stone. Although in comparison to Jon's, Arthur on ice, I think ice capades will have to win for my favorite. I do agree with you though on that I will really miss this class.

  2. I also really liked wart, because I kept imagining this little kid who grows up to be the Arthur from Geoffrey of Monmouth that slays a hundred men at a time and

  3. Lays kingdoms to waste. I think it's funny because wart was such a skinny little dude, he must have done some serious lifting in the years between
