Mordred is as shady as they come. Am I the only one who thinks he killed his brothers and blamed it on Lancelot?????
Lancelot and Guinevere had their demise was coming. They both deserved it. King Arthur seems to be a wuss when knowing about this affair and let it continuing it to happen. He is a public figure and EVERYONE knows about this affair. How many times has Guinevere shamed King Arthur? She sucks as a wife. King Arthur even states at the end that he loved his knights of the round table more than his wife. King Arthur could have gotten a new and even better wife, Queen 2.0. One who doesn't sleep with the king's best friend.
I think it's kind of sad that Mordred gets painted in such a shady light. Even though he had his issues with Arthur, I think he was really infuriated that his fathers wife and best friends could shame the king and not be brought to justice. Arthur should have put aside his ideals and been a stronger ruler. Sometimes cruelty is necessary to maintain order. I think that Arthur's lack of a backbone is the
ReplyDeleteMain reason for his downfall. And I think that Mordred might have even been justified. In his head, a king who can't run his household is no king at all.