Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fan Fiction: seeing Guinevere in a new light?

Throughout this class I have repeatedly made note of the fact that I really dislike Guinevere, and most of y'all tend to agree. I was just wondering if anybody liked the idea of a fan fiction piece centered on Guinevere? We got a more sympathetic view of her in TH White's novel, but I think it would be very interesting to see things from her perspective. So, it would kind of be in the vein of Mists of Avalon, and give us readers a chance to put ourselves in the shoes of Guinevere.

I think that it could focus on her conflicting love interests, and give us more detail about her motives. Her cheating doesn't make her an evil person, it's just a flaw which happens to shape her character development and if we could get inside her head, I think she would become a much more sympathetic  character. It would also give insight on a woman's perspective on courtly love, the state of Camelot, and mayb even provide us with a few not so flattering details about Arthur as a person.

So what do you guys think? Do you think a fan fiction work on our favorite queen would make her more appealing to the audience, or do you think it would detract from Arthur's legend?


  1. I think it would be interesting to focus on her as far as fan fiction goes. You're right, just because she cheats doesn't make her an awful person. We've all done things that maybe haven't given us the greatest reputation but it doesn't make us a bad person, it's just a flaw. I would like to get more inside of Guineveres mind because I felt that she was one character we never truly got to know which made everyone seem better than her.

    1. It is fair to say we never did get a good read on her character other than that she and Lancelot commit adultery. That would be a very nice take on her.

  2. Part of me believes Guinevere is portrayed so badly in Arthurian legend to make Arthur look that much better compared to everyone else surrounding him. She's like collateral damage. That's my conspiracy theory.

  3. Kellen: Wow! I never thought of that. Now I only feel half bad about hating her this whole semester. Maybe instead of Arthur on Ice, we could have a book from Gwen's' perspective.

  4. Both Kellen and Jay have great theories, however, it would be great to get inside Gwen's head and she what she was thinking during this whole love affair, I mean what if there was a character flaw in Arthur that the literature wasn't telling us?
