There are several reasons I decided to take this class; I am ignorant of King Arthur and wanted to learn more about him, I thought the class would be very interesting, and I thought it would be a reasonably easy class. When I think of King Arthur I think of two things. The first would be the movie, The Black Cauldron. In my head, I picture King Arthur as showed in the picture below:

The second would be of Camelot in the Warner Brother's version called Quest for Camelot. However, when doing the assigned reading, Arthur in Geoffrey of Monmouth, I got a totally different picture of Arthur. He controlled a lot of Europe and was described as being a giving ruler. I thought it was very deceitful of his nephew, Modred, to take over his kingdom. After reading all of the wars he had been in, my first reaction was that King Arthur's rule was finally over. He had more than enough time as a ruler and he needed a successor, although it was not right the way Modred went about it. After reading this story, I pictured King Arthur somewhat looking like in the picture to the right.
As stated earlier, I am very ignorant of King Arthur and his legends. I took a literature class last semester and we had to read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by JRR Tolkien. I really enjoyed reading that story, which is another reason that influenced me to take this class. I look forward to learning more about King Arthur because there are so many legends about him. Plus, he seems so interesting.
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