Friday, March 7, 2014

Half-way Through

Half-way through this semester, my views of Arthur have changed slightly. I thought that most stories of Arthur, would actually feature him as a main character as opposed to using him and his court as a stage for other great feats for knights and the court. I also had no idea that there were so many different personalities of Arthur that are very different. I think part of my expectations come from movies in my childhood like Sword and the Stone and  Quest for Camelot where Arthur has Merlin and his magic to guide him; this is not true in most of what we have addressed in this class. I like the new views I have on Arthur and his legends, but after watching Camelot I do prefer Arthur as a great warrior and king as opposed to dependent on Merlin. I also view Guinevere differently after this class; the romantic vibe I felt from her and Lancelot has diminished and now I feel much less friendly to her, seeing as she basically helped destroy the greatness of Camelot and the eventual death or "healing on Avalon" of Arthur.


  1. I, too, was thinking at the beginning of this class that the stories would focus on Arthur more than they have. however, I have enjoyed some of the stories in which he was barely even mentioned

  2. Honestly I kind of like that the stories don't focus on Arthur. Past the whole actually becoming king story he doesn't seem to do much. I am kind of a fan of Gwen though. I know she helped crush Arthur's soul and all that but when she isn't being uselessly romantic I think she's kind of cool. Not sure why. Just a feeling.

    1. I think I was still feeling leftovers from Camelot with this blog post. I feel like before that portrayal of Gwen I really liked her and that turned me off her character for a little while but now I'm feeling more open to having her back in the mix.
