So, the readings this week have been very interesting. The first reading, which I missed the class discussion on, was pretty intriguing to me. I thought that it was interesting that even though Morgaine is a woman she very strong to be able to compete and win against Lancelet. Through out the first text the feminist point of view can be seen. This is most prevalent in the belief that before religion came to Avalon the fairies ruled and their leader was a woman. The fact that the fairy leader was a woman was pretty cool just because you always here of men being the ruler not the woman. Also, this made me think too. I'm not to religious but what if the god that christians pray to is not a man as so assumed by the use of male pronouns. What if God is a female? That would completely turn our male normative society on it's head and cause a strife. Overall, it was really nice to read something that offered a different point of view and challenged the standard of how we read King Arthur.
I was thinking about that myself in class. I really like your points, and I love the feminism button!