I remember thinking in the beginning of the semester that Avalon was not a real place in King Arthur's time period. After the first reading of Avalon , I was excited to learn the Avalon is a real place and not made up. My favorite thing about the Mist of Avalon is the fact that a female is finally given some power. I also discussed this in my SWOT analysis as one of the changes that the court should make. Giving females more power I feel will help the court be more successful. I did not really like the fact that they made Morgaine a sex symbol because I feel like it is to much like our society today where women are based off of looks and sex. I know that in todays world sex sells, but I would of liked her to be seen in a different light. I do not think that Morgaine should give up her empowerment for Lancelot (who does not like women to have power). It is so irritating to see women do this today. Women need to be strong and independent or men will never look at us any differently. I think I wanted to stop reading after the priestess gave her virginity away to a half animal man.

Completely Gross in everyway I can think of !!
It is no surprise though that tow people find out their related to one another again. It must be the thing in this time period.
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I agree that Avalon is a nice change of pace from the rest of the Arthur reading we've done. Seeing women finally have some power is great. #progress