Friday, May 2, 2014

Arthur, I almost believe and other thoughts

Throughout this class I have been surprised, disappointed, and excited by and about many different Arthur's. I have had many feelings that were positive and negative, but I am so glad that we read all the many versions of Arthur that we did. I think without having read those I would not firmly be able to say that my Arthur would definitely be Will Wagner from Avalon High. Though he is young and has a lot still to learn he showed the promise and the goodness that I believe Arthur should have. Avalon High was my first ever literary exposure to King Arthur as far as I can remember. That may be slightly why I am so attached to this version. By being a leader in his school as student body president and a leader on the field as captain and quarterback on the football team, Will shows he could be a leader as a king and as a string warrior. He is gentle and kind when the jocks are picking on that kid Ted. He forgives Jen and Lance and too me that was very important because my King Arthur would not hold a grudge but he would forgive them and even wish them well because that what is right for his conscience. I love that Ellie and Will get together I think it's Meg Cabot's way of making it very clear that there is no way Mordred/Marco won because usually with Gwen leaving him, Arthur's Camelot crumbles, but by giving him love with Ellie Meg Cabot is showing he will continue on with his life and his rule.

This class has made me really want to find more about King Arthur, I want to know so much mire about everyone and see the beauty of the story brought to life in so many different ways by many different Arthur's. After reading about Arthur in high school and running for mayor, I would really like Meg Cabot's theory of reincarnated Arthur to come to play in many stories, I think he could be so many historical figures and countless stories could be told where he and Mordred were once again making history through war and various other mediums. I have decided to watch is many of the King Arthur movies I never watched before and I hope to continue to be captured by this story.

Throughout our entire class we have talked about whether or not King Arthur is real. I have two very conflicting opinions on this subject. Part of me says yes the people existed and that's all but there is another huge part of myself that wants to believe that everything happened. I want to believe that Lancelot and Guienevere fell in love and betrayed Arthur, I want to believe in Merlin as a powerful magician, and Modred and Morgan as two who sought to bring Arthur's end. I want to have the magic and mystery and battle be real and historical. I will not say that I am a 100% believer in King Arthur but I will say I believe there was a man named Arthur who had soldiers that fought by his side and a wife who may or may not have been faithful to him. Even if I cannot 100% say that the magic and mystery is true I will say that I have faith in the legend and I wish it could all  be real. King Arthur will always have a special place with me as part of my childhood and now as part of my growing into an adult.

This has been a great course and I thank everyone who made it that way :)

This is 5 of 5

1 comment:

  1. It is always weird in these sort of situations between believers and non-believers. I was thinking the same thing and compared it to how people think of Jesus being real. Some people fully believe of a Holy Man, others say 'Yes there could have been a man named Jesus who was a miracle worker that did SOME of these things.' We'll never really know about Arthur but it was great learning about him as a legend.
