Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Indiana Jones, The Holy Grail Scene

I just have to say that this scene has some of the detailas from the Malory reading...the silver dishes, the old-ish man (which seems to be a templar knight?)  There wasn't an omniscient voice that warned the bad guys away, but you can see that the knight can maybe look like a knight of the round table or a crusader knight.

I find it interesting how films present the quest for the Holy Grail and how hyped up the storyline is.  While there are many variations, the theme of the supernatural power is consistent-the grail always seems to have a power/independence from people.


1 comment:

  1. I have never actually seen this movie. is there a lot of similarities or are there only a few? the story of the Grail is one that I have always loved
