Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Very Interesting

So, the readings this week sure have been...interesting. These readings are definitely not what I thought we were going to be reading about in this class. At first, I thought we would be reading all about Arthur being King, Merlin being this amazing sorcerer, Lancelot being the best Knight ever, and the quest for the Holy Grail. I certainly did not think we would read about incest.
To tell the truth, when Dr. Mitchell-Buck told us that we were going to read about the conceiving of Modred and how it might be uncomfortable, I was only expecting a little bit of detail. However, when I was reading, I stopped about three or four times and said to myself, "What?" The description of their intercourse was more than I thought was going to be provided.
Another part that was disturbing was when the woman "probed" Morgaine to make sure she was a virgin.
When Arthur brought up that incident when he next saw her was weird. I do not understand how you would want to remember something like that.
Even though these parts were disturbing, I really enjoyed these readings. It was a nice break from the usual readings focused mainly on knights.


  1. Yeah I found the "morning after" conversation to be pretty hilarious. Even more so because stereo typically the girl would be attached and the guy would run off, but in this case it's the complete opposite!
